Insights from a Creative Journey
Dominando a Arte do Empreendedorismo criativo
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Throughout the past 5 years of building and managing my own businesses, I've experienced some incredible successes, but I've also made my fair share of mistakes 🥴.
Fortunately, I've reached a point where mistakes don't bother me anymore, as I've come to understand that the faster we fail, the faster we progress towards our destination.
However, I thought it would be helpful to share four recurring themes of mistakes so that you can recognize them before they become significant obstacles.
Sometimes, I took too long to make a decision, getting stuck in procrastination or over-analysis.
The truth is, deep down, we know what's best for us. Even if something seems daunting, if we feel an internal calling to act, we should go for it. Courage isn't the absence of fear, but rather acting despite it. My gut instinct has always proven reliable, and so has yours. Have you ever noticed how the rational mind tends to talk us out of following our intuition?
At times, I sought advice, opinions, or guidance from others on matters important to me.
Once again, the answer doesn't lie externally but within ourselves. We often doubt our ability to make the right decisions, but seeking external advice rarely provides insights based on personal experiences that match our exact situation.
While their advice may aim to keep us safe, unwittingly, it ends up holding us back. We have our own vision, we know what we're capable of, and we understand what our hearts desire. We shouldn't seek external validation. Trust yourself and move forward.
It took me almost 5 years to be truly honest with myself.
It's easy to get swept up in other people's visions of success, even if they don't align with our own. Whenever I found myself immersed in a vision that didn't resonate with my essence, I felt internal misalignment. For me, success isn't about accumulating wealth without time to live. It's about having enough resources to live without worry and having the freedom to explore, spend time with family and friends, and embark on new adventures. Success lies in simple things like having time to read a book, learn something new, or travel. It's freedom.
At times, I allowed my energy to dissipate into lower frequencies.
This occurred when I was tired, burnt out, or when things weren't aligned. Descending into these frequencies led to worry, doubt, and negativity. During these moments, my business suffered, and I lost sight of my vision. My goal is to help as many artists as possible understand how to achieve personal success, so they can contribute more art to the world, on their own terms, and earn a good living from it.
The reason I'm so interested in energy is because when we understand its dynamics, we can play with it, moving between frequencies to see what happens.
As soon as we focus on the things we want, visualizing how they would be, feeling their texture and scent, change can occur instantly. That's because when we're in lower frequencies, focused on what's lacking in our lives, it becomes impossible to attract those things to us.
When we feel gratitude for what we know is on its way, we become excited, daydream, and act as if it's already happening... that's when magic occurs. I've always played with these concepts, but it's only recently that I've realized their true power.
These mistakes may not seem directly related to the business world, but I believe they're fundamental because mindset and energy represent 80% of the game. If we have these aspects aligned, everything else will fall into place naturally